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Barnard Park - Fremont NE Real Haunted Places

  • Fremont, NE
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  (4 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
Open To Public
Yes - Open To Public
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This park was once a cemetery and stories say that when the city moved the bodies and turned it into a park, some of them were missed. There are a number of apparitions that are said to haunt here, and like to roam late at night, most notably a woman who has been spotted following the Mormon Trail and lost her daughter, who died at a camp on the site. Her apparition appears to cry over her lost daughter.

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  • I do believe this place is haunted

    Late one night it was either 11 or 12 o’clock at night walking on the crosswalk next to the park I could hear a child screaming but yet I could see no child. I was 18 at the time.

    Posted 6/19/24

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  • Investigating

    Our group, Phantasm Paranormal started an investigation of the park on 6/24/23 and we got proof of paranormal activity. Pictures, audio recordings, and video. We will post some of it on our website as soon as we can. We might go back there soon.

    Posted 6/26/23

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  • i used to play here when i was young too

    It was around 6 or 7 pm in the fall so it was pretty dark out. me and my sister were only around the ages of 5 and 7. we were taking turns going down the slide and once my sister had gone she started crying once she hit the bottom. she said that i had pushed her but i was at the bottom of the stairs when she had gone down. not to mention the swings loved to swing by themselves every time we went there.

    Posted 1/14/22

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  • I use to play here as a kid.

    I use to play at this park all the time as a kid. I have had multiple paranormal experiences here. The first one I was playing on the merry go round and saw a fresh severed foot when I went to go look again it was gone. Then one night my brother, my best friend, and I decided we were going to go at 3 am because we heard that when the paranormal stuff really came about. My best friend saw an old guy sitting underneath the gazebo staring at her. And I saw a woman in a black wedding dress hanging from one of the pine trees. Lets just say we never went back at night.

    Posted 4/18/20

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,860
Last edit to this listing: 5/25/2017 (2816 days ago)

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