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Richmond House - Lincoln NE Real Haunted Place

  • 1824 N. 29th St.
  • Lincoln, NE
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Stories say that a triple murder suicide took place in this home in the 1920s, and involved the husband, Bill, his wife, Venus, her lover and their baby. Bill shot Venus with a shotgun and then laid on the railroad tracks nearby waiting for the train to hit him. The baby was never found. Haunting reports inside the home include a strange plastered spot in the basement that resembles a babies face, the sounds of a crying woman, a baby crying, the smell of candle wax burning, objects that move by themselves, two male entities, and even feelings of being pinched or pushed. The home has been explored by paranormal investigators and has also been featured in books and on local ghost tours.
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  • My family lived in this house for 55 yrs

    My family owned this house until it was sold in 2016.. I grew up there.. From the day we moved there in there were noises like the sound of shattering glass ..a woman weeping..a baby crying...our names called... and apparitions that not only we saw but people who came to visit without even knowing the house was haunted.. The story of the murders were told to us by the woman who had lived next door and had lived next door when it all happened.. Actually the man( Bill) worked for the railroad and and was gone alot and the wife (Venus) took a lover and became pregnant by the lover...she promised to stay when with Bill found out about the afair but after tge baby was born desided to leave with the lover... Bill caught them killed the wifes lover then killed her(Venus) because she was leaving him After he killed the two he went and layed on the tracks and the train ran him over....the baby was never found...my mother always said she wanted to see what was behind the babies face but my father said if that baby was buired there leave it to rest... The famous paranormal investigator Brad Steiger came to our house with the famous medium Irene Hughes to investigate the house in the 1970s and found it so interesting he put it in one of his books... I also saw the spirits of my parents there as they loved the place and i even have a picture i took of the house when it was vacant and someone was setting in the spot my mother loved to set on the closed in porch... After my father passed the house was rented out a few times and then sold... I just found out that the new owners are selling it and the beautiful elm tree that stood over the house for over 100 yrs is being cut down as i write this.. The house is being moved or torn down and the lot broken up and probably investment apartments built there... Sadly greed wins out over history And they probably need money to feed their drug habbits.. I dont know if the ghosts will stay with the house if its moved or stay on the property.. I only know i am heartbroken knowing the house will soon be gone... And the ghost tours of lincoln will be missing this great house and its history..

    Posted 10/7/19

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  • I lived at this house over a year

    In the southeast corner of the basement you'll find an old porcelain baby doll face encased in the concrete. Oddly enough the concrete always looks wet. I have two photographs of it. While another local fellow and myself were in the basement doing e.v.p's, over the sound of us talking and the crunch sounds if walking over pieces of drywall you can plainly hear in the recording someone whispering loudly "HELP! Just at the northeast corner we found a concrete cistern buried under a dead tree. In the early days trees were used as grave markers. Who plants a tree on top of a concrete slab? To hide it? I told the owner he should report it to the police but he wouldnt because hes a paranoid weed smoker. What if that missing baby is there? Doesnt it need closure? I have witnessed and pics to everything I just wrote.

    Posted 7/22/19

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Visitors to this page: 4,541
Last edit to this listing: 5/25/2017 (2796 days ago)

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